• Registered Members

    Voting members in good standing of the Alliance of this By-Law and their length of practice in the industry are more than three years and 1 month (3.1)

  • Associate Members

    Non-voting members who are Authorized Representatives who are hired to be the official Consultant of the Member and does not have a physical office in the Philippines.

  • Probationary Members

    Voting members in good standing of the Alliance of this By-Law whose membership are based on the length of practice the Member is into the industry. In this case, Members on this class are zero (0) to three (3) years in the industry.

  • Honorary Members

    Non-voting members who are education partners of the Member or a Designated Learning Institution who have been approved by the Board.

BENEFITS (depending on the type of membership):

Your agency will have a voting right in the alliance.

Your agency logo will appear on the website of IECAP as one of its REGULAR Members.

Your agency can use IECAP logo in their website and other marketing materials.

Your agency will be part of Events and Student Expos organized by IECAP.

Your agency will be a member in one of IECAP committees.

Your agency and nominated staff will receive regular seminars/trainings organized by IECAP.

Your agency will receive uniform addendum contracts that you can use for your students and partner education institutions.

Your agency will receive promos, discounts, concessions that have been negotiated by IECAP to its member Educational Institutions